Monday, December 04, 2006

"I don't cry at church"

Rebekah has finally decided that church is a pretty fun place to be. While we were getting ready this week, she said "I paint at church! I jump and bounce at church! I don't cry at church!" Of course, for most people, church is not the place for painting and jumping and bouncing (and I often end up crying at church myself, especially since I've been pregnant), but for a two-year-old, that's what happens, and she's pretty happy about it.

I've also gotten a little more involved by working in the nursery. This week I took care of the babies for an hour and then went to Sunday School. Actually doing some work there makes me feel more like I belong. And of course I love babies, so how could I refuse?

1 comment:

LeLe said...

That's so cute. At least she doesn't cuss at church...when my brother was little and in the nursery, he said the "d-word". The nursey worker said, "Jared, we don't say that!" to which he replied, "But my daddy says it!" Haha.