Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weird Things Meme

LeLe tagged me for the weird things meme. I'm not going to tag anyone else because I can't keep track of who has already done one like this. But since she requested, here are some weird things about me.

1. One of my comfort foods is a concoction someone showed me when I was in elementary school, and I have made it for myself since I was a little girl. You take white bread, spread ketchup on it, top that with pickle relish and then a slice of cheese, and then microwave it until the cheese melts. It sort of reminds me of a McDonald's cheeseburger without the meat. I only eat that when I'm alone because it's weird, but it still tastes as good to me now as it did when I was 8.

2. I don't think my mother has ever called me Sarah. She calls me Sarah Lynne or Sister, but never just Sarah. (I'm not complaining--I like it)

3. I use a hundred different pet names for my kids. My most common ones are Snookie-boo, Lovey Bovey, Honey Baby, Bookie-choo, Hunny Bunny Wunny, and Baby Jaby. I try to only do it at home because I'm sure some people would find it annoying.

4. I look up my students on Facebook.

5. I get really involved with the novels I read, to the point of having a physical response--shaking, racing pulse, nausea--and sometimes I have to put the book away for a while to recover. I never read thrillers because I don't think I could handle them. Once I had a full-on panic attack because of a book. I often talk out loud to my books while I'm reading. Sometimes I hide them because they upset me so much (like that episode of Friends when Joey put The Shining--and later Little Women--in the freezer).

6. On the subject of books, I won't buy a book that has a movie picture on it or the words "Now a Major Motion Picture." A movie and a book are two different things, even if one was based on the other, so I don't like the conflation of the two. But also I'm sort of a book snob, and I don't want to appear as if I buy books just because there are movies based on them. I also don't buy books with Oprah's Book Club on the cover because I don't want to appear as if I buy books just because Oprah told me to.

7. I never ever sleep through the night. I wake up at least once, usually twice every night.

8. I miss my kids when they go to bed.

For good measure, here are some weird things about the other members of my household:

Shannon always has to be making some kind of noise, like clapping, tapping, flicking a pop top on a Coke can. He also has an amazing talent for tuning out everything around him. I can be sitting right next to him talking and he doesn't even know I'm there. He absolutely LOVES break-and-bake cookie dough and frequently makes a special trip to the grocery store just to buy it--we call it "Cookie Night." He bakes the whole package as soon as he gets home and eats them hot out of the oven, but he never eats them the next day. Only the night they are baked.

Rebekah does something I called "rebooting." If she is having a bad morning, sometimes she will lie back down in her bed and get up and start over again. One time when we came home from preschool, she got upset between the car and the house and got back in the car, buckled up, and then got out again. After that she was fine.

Annabelle loves the bathroom. We have to keep the door closed all the time because as soon as she sees it open, she crawls as fast as she can (and she's really fast!) to the bathtub and tries to get in. Once she stuck her hands in the toilet and played in the water. She almost knocked over her high chair once when Shannon started running her bath water while she was still in her chair.


LeLe said...

I absolutely agree with your #6. I was considering purchasing the last Jason Bourne novel but since it had a picture of Matt Damon on it, I decided not to. And I won't buy Oprah books either. It saddens me that she has recommended several good ones and then they have to slap on that round label. It makes me ill. Of course, I don't think Oprah is God like some people do...

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your #5. Best example: I had to quit reading The Bell Jar because I felt like I was going crazy with Esther! I never could bring myself to finish it.