Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Waiting out the ice...and Rebekah gets mean

Rebekah and I have been stuck inside for the past two days waiting out (actually, waiting for) an ice storm. They kept saying it was coming, and sleet finally arrived this afternoon. I have trouble taking this seriously as an ice storm after the massive--I don't think catastrophic is an overstatement--storm of 2001 (back up in North TX and South AR--not down here). I will never forget lying in bed at my parents' house, no electricity, so no heat and no sound but the cracking and falling of trees all around us. Scary. This is nothing, so I'm just annoyed that it has interrupted my plans. I hope it will all clear by tomorrow and we can go to school.

Rebekah is bored and tired of having just Mommy to play with (Daddy's at work, but we're counting the minutes until he comes home). She has been pretty good, considering. But earlier today she was mean to me, I think just to see what I would do. Cause she's bored. She wouldn't get dressed, so I just let it go and turned on the TV.
She turned it off and said, "You can never never never watch T.V."
I said, "I can watch T.V. in my room."
She ran to the hall door, put her hands across it, and said, "No you can't. I closed the gate." She followed this with her weird noise she makes when she wants to yell at me but doesn't know what words to use.
I could tell that if I continued to respond, she would just get worse, so I just looked away and stopped talking to her. Then she came back to me and started to sing. You see, lately she makes up songs about the things around her. Usually they are to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," but sometimes they are just a random tune. Today was random. Here's how it went:

I love my Mommy
My Mommy is not very nice
My Mommy is nice but I am not very nice to my Mommy
I turn off the TV so she can't watch it
And I close the gate.

Charming, right? Well, that supported my idea that she was just bored and trying to stir things up. After she was done staging her little musical drama, she put on her clothes and was back to normal. That's Rebekah.


LeLe said...

Oh, how I remember the ice storm of 2001! Not a fun time...I was lucky though because I was staying with someone who had electricity. Luckeee. I love Rebekah's song. That's great. Kids are so great.

Alice said...

I recently started reading your blogs (from the link on Leann's blog). I enjoy them because I have a daughter, Mili, who is 19 months old and we are expecting our second in Aug (love the ultrasound photo). Just wanted you to know I am reading your blog and it is helping me prepare for what to expect. Feel free to read my blog as well.