Friday, April 27, 2007

Growing baby

Annabelle had her two week check-up this week, and she is growing well. She weighed 8lbs. 14 oz--well over her birth weight and a full pound larger than her discharge weight taken at the hospital--and she is 21 and a half inches long. Her length is between the 90th and 95th percentile and her weight is around the 75th percentile. She's tall like her sister, and I'm sure her weight will shoot up to the 95th percentile in the coming months, too. Her umbilical stump finally fell off yesterday, and she has an outie belly button. It's cute :) It will probably go in eventually. When I have to take her with me to take Rebekah to school, Rebekah stands between Annabelle and the other kids protecting her baby sister. We won't let the other kids touch the baby, of course, but today one of them got the idea that if he washed his hands he could touch the baby. That led to a chain reaction, and all the little children were lining up to wash their hands, only to be told that they still couldn't touch the baby. Rebekah is a rock star now at school because she has a baby and she's the only one allowed to touch it.

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