Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Need advice

Bad news--the house is not ready, so we have to move into an apartment for a time until the electricity is in. (To clarify the problem, the whole street is new and has no electricity at all. There are ten houses all built and ready to go that don't have electricity.)

I'm concerned about how Rebekah will respond. She is excited about her new house and has seen it a few times, but we will have to live somewhere unfamiliar to her and then move her again to the house she's been looking forward to. How can I explain this to her in terms that she will understand? What can I do to make the transition easier for her? I have some ideas myself, but I would also like to hear any suggestions you might have.

Thanks. And pray for us--this is stressful and we're trying hard not to let it worry the kids.


LeLe said...

I can't really offer you any advice since I'm not a parent and have never had to deal with this issue, but I can pray for you. I know that timing issues are stressful, as well as building a new house in general. Not to mention throwing two kids in the mix. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everything turns out great!

Anonymous said...

Awww. I'm SO sorry! What a vexing situation!!!

Maybe you could play it up like a "camping" adventure? Maybe you could even pitch a tent in the apt for a little while? Didn't you go camping this summer? Maybe she'll remember the adventure and temporariness of it all and it would give her a category to process the transitory arrangement.
Either way, though, what a frustration!!!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry about your housing situation. I'm not a parent so I won't offer advice, but you do have my many prayers for each of you. Bekah will be fine because kiddos are made to bounce back from situations. It will be tough but temporary. Wish I could poof my bro-in law to you since he's an electrician. Jeannette may have a great idea about pitching a tent. My mom did that with us once when we were "moving"..I never knew the difference. Gosh I gotta call and fuss at her about that...! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry, as if moving isn't stressful enough. When we moved, the moving company we hired went out of business between our move and when we had hired them. But nobody bothered to let us know they wouldn't be showing up. Not as challenging as your situation, but stressful nonetheless. I don't know what your plans are, but we would probably be going to an extended stay hotel and maybe you could tell her it's a little vacation before the move? Good luck. This will all be over soon and you'll be settled into your new home before you know it.